As per the Rules and regulations of university, students attendance, progress and conduct must be satisfactory to write examination.
85% of attendance is compulsory to attend the Examination.
The students who do not possess minimum attendance are not eligible to get any scholarship from the government.
The progress of the students will be recorded by the attendance and marks of internal assessment.
Students progress will be considered as unsatisfactory if he/she is absent for the tests.
Students will be individually monitored by entire college staff. In case of any miss behavior students, discipline committee will take necessary actions by informing parents/ guardians. If necessary he/she will be rusticated from the college.
Ragging and Malpractice is considered as punishable offence. And he/she will not be able to continue their education anywhere.
Students should be care full while filling examination forms. And can take assistance from examination committee members/Lecturers.
No-Due certificate from all departments should be produce before obtaining Hall Ticket.